EXERCISE and the many benefits

exercise flexihealthservices happy healthy Apr 23, 2023

Now the word exercise can produce mixed emotions for many people. (Can I hear a few groans or laughs?)

Some people love it and need to move every day to feel positive, fit and strong. Others really dislike it and the thought of having to complete any form of exercise creates anxiety and stress. And then there are the group who are not particularly bothered either way and exercise occasionally when they feel like it. 

No matter where you sit, the truth is, physical activity of any kind is incredibly important and has a long list of benefits, both physical and mental, to our overall health and wellbeing. 

Some of the scientifically proven benefits of exercise include: 

  • Assists with weight management.
  • Improvement to overall mood.
  • Improvement to brain health.
  • Exercise may help reduce the onset of some diseases.
  • Exercise helps improve the overall function of our day-to-day activities.
  • Exercise strengthens bones, joints and muscles.

So what tips and tricks can you introduce to make exercise part of your daily routine...

  • Need to enjoy it - find something that makes you smile
  • Realistic – work around school, employment and the busyness of life
  • Exercise alone if preferred or with a friend for accountability and company
  • Something that increases your heart rate for a duration of time
  • Have Fun and don’t take it too seriously...

Research has shown that even small amounts of exercise can make you happier, so today's challenge is for you to find something you love, do it consistently and regularly, and make it fun...  It takes 21 days to change a habit, so start moving and see how you feel in a month.

Cheering you all the way to optimal health.


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